August 15th is National Relaxation Day.

Relaxation is something I think we all need to do more. I’m sure I’m not the only one that feels overwhelmed daily from daily life. Between commuting to work and the daily news, I find myself tense throughout the day.

Wouldn’t it be great to have your employer set time aside during the day for relaxation? I mean more than our lunch breaks, which, let’s face it, are never enough time to recharge. If you can find a way to relax while at work, your productivity and creativity get boosted. Everyone could use a boost, especially if your job is demanding.

So here are some quick ways to find relaxation at your desk, and they don’t take long either.

10 Ways to Relax at Work


Maybe not read at your desk in the middle of a project. I read my book during my lunch break, mostly taken at my desk, which I know is not a great thing to do, but I need to find my breaks where I can. When I’m lucky enough to take a full lunch break (for me, it’s 30 minutes), I head outside to eat my lunch and read my book. I return to the office feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the afternoon.

Get Moving

When I take my break outdoors, I’ve noticed that many people from our office building are walking. Quite a few people walk around our building (we have two hills). Still, others like me can find 5 minutes to walk to the corner and back to the building on breaks. Not only does it clear my head, especially when I’m trying to resolve an issue, but it also boosts my energy.Meditate

I am a big supporter of meditation. Not only do I start and end my days with meditation, but I also find time during my work day to do so. Whether I’m outside on my lunch break or sitting in my car. I put my earbuds in and tune into a playlist that relaxes me. One of my favorites is a Spotify-made list that has nature sounds. If you go into the search category on Spotify, you can find playlists that may appeal to you. Nature sounds, guided meditation, white noise are all popular choices. Set your timer on your phone for at least 5 minutes and focus on your breathing for a quick break.

Tea Time

Many folks love coffee. For me, it’s tea. Green tea is my go-to, even during the summer months. Green tea has many health benefits, including helping regulate your blood sugar, which I need help with. Just taking the time to brew your tea is a way to stop for a few minutes and relax your mind for a few minutes.

Photo by Jane Palash on Unsplash

Have a Nosh

During your tea (or coffee) break, have a snack. Chocolate, nuts, fruit, etc., any healthy snack you choose, gives you time to not think about work for a few minutes. Be mindful when you’re eating. Some of us (I’m guilty of this) reach for a snack while working and do not pay attention. Which, of course, makes you overeat. Instead, take a break. Sip your drink. Eat your yummy snack and then head back to the task at hand. My favorite time of day to do this is around 2:30, before that “mid-afternoon” slump hits.

Get Away From Your Desk

I manage to leave my office to get some air a few times a day, even on bad weather days. My building has an awning out front. So on super cold or rainy days, I’ve gone out under the awning to just breathe some fresh air and give my mind a rest.

Play Your Tunes

If you are lucky to have your own office space, play your favorite tunes. At my former job, I always had music playing. It would help me focus on my tasks. My staff knew if the door was closed and the music was playing loud, they were not to come in and bother me.

Phone (or Text) a Friend

Have you ever have one of those days when everything seems to overwhelm you? Yeah, me too. I’ve been known to text my best friend. Most times, it’s to vent, but other times it is to ask them about their day, so I’m focused on something else than what is bothering me for a few minutes.


When you are focused on a task, you need to give your mind a break, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Doodling can help. It’s easy to do, and you don’t have to be a great artist either. I’m far from a great artist, but I doodle hearts and cartoon dog faces that I learned to draw when I was 7. They are not very good, but for a few minutes, I can just relax and move on to the next task.

Clean Your Desk

For some, a cluttered workspace adds to the stress of your day-to-day activities. Even if you work from home, cleaning your desk is a way to de-stress for a time.

During my workday, my workspace looks like a bomb went off. There are files, notes, and messages all over my area. Add my snacks and water bottle; it could stress anyone to look at it. However, for me, it’s a “chaotic order .” Everything in my workspace has a spot, so I can immediately find what I need during the day. Then, when I leave for the day at 5, my space is cleared and ready for the next day’s chaos.

Find the Time to Chill Out

Make it part of your daily plan whatever you choose to do to relax at work. You’ll be taking care of your mind and body, and in doing so, you’ll be able to contribute more to your job. Ultimately, allowing time for mindful relaxation helps you manage your stress and makes for a happier team at work.